Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday night park walk

For the most part we are stay at home kind of people. We love our house, enjoy each others company in it (usually) and don't see it as boring at all. But there comes a day every now and then when one of us feels like they need to get out. I mean, we go places of course  just not as often as other people, and big part of it is school and work. Anyways, today was the day when we decided it was much needed  plus it really cooled down in the evening. So we went to the nearby park and walked around and talked. It was dark and a bit creepy, but we were chewing on our unhealthy snacks and discussing our plan for next weeks hunting trip.

Here are some photos from our walk in the same place in August 8, 2010 (we got married in 14 days afterwards!)

1 comment:

  1. It is a great idea to walk together, it gives something special to a day and brings a couple together even more..
